
Send link to phone, TV, tablet from computer!


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How it works?

First of all, if this simple page saved your life, pays me a coffee! I will drink it in your name!

This is a simple and free web app that allows you to share, in a easy way, links betewen multiples devices like: phone, computer, tablet, TV (this is very cool).

To use this app simple type a name in the above field and hit the buttom, voilá! Now you have a new list of links that you can access anywhere!

It is important to note that everyone that know the name of the list will be able to insert or remove links!

I wrote this app because evertime i nedded to access a link in my cellphone i nedded to sent the link via some app like WhatsApp or e-mail, that is horible! And install an APP just to share a link isn't a good use of your phone's memory!

To share link to mobile usually is not so easy because the url was large and impossible to remind, using a tool to short url you will need to remember the "short" url, that is a pain in the ass!!!!! And use an app to share link is like to kill an ant with a rifle! Don't do it with yourself!

How to send link to my phone